Saturday, May 10th, 2008 | Author:

The leaving of Georgetown on the 9th was delayed because of Mother Nature. She is in control of our comings and goings. She was sending a storm our way: a thunderstorm. And a thunderstorm she did send. But, it passed quickly and off we went following the Russells again.

The river itself is georgeous. Had the sun been shining we may have seen turtles on the shore sunning themselves. There are abandoned rice fields along straight stretches.

Then there twists and turns.

As one enters Myrtle Beach civilization hits you in the face.

Before we came to North Mrtyle Beach where we were stopping, we had to get through the Rock Pile. Some claim it is a dangerous part because of the rocks that are right off the channel. We were going through as the tide was dropping. I think that is good because you can see the rocks. Stay in the channel. This is the mantra of the ICW.

Although the claim is that the river is clean, it looks like tea. It leaves your boat with the Waccamaw moustache.

We spent the night at Harbourgate Marina. Another good run.

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