Saturday, February 16th, 2008 | Author:

Prime Time was ready! The Captain was eager! The First Mate was…. leaving her new friends behind… but also ready to see if the three of them had what it took.

We said we would leave the slip at 10 am and we were off a bit, we were early. Friends were there though to bid us fair seas and we were pleased to see them and accept their help.

Before we entered the Miserable Mile, boats were passing us right and left. We were just bobbing along. Then everyone has to slow and inch their way through the Mile. Kelley looked back as we got toward the end and we both were amazed to see this long line of boats. Once we were out of the Mile, up went speed and we were passed and bounced some more.

This trip to Pelican Bay was a piece of cake. We had a GPS that was working. We had used the charts before with success, but to have a GPS – Columbus never would have gotten lost. We made the trip in 4.5 hours, traveling about 8 knots an hour.

Traveling on a Saturday over President’s Weekend on the ICW is like traveling on the US 5 trying to get somewhere. Everyone is out enjoying the beautiful weather. The Bay is serene – although there are more boats here than there were last time.

A great beginning to our adventure! Did I really write Great Loop?

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